Te amaré
Pronunciaste mi nombre y yo supe que al fin así comenzaría un cuento que no tiene fin.
Te amaré, para la eternidad , será pura lealtad.. y nunca negaré que te amaré.
Nada importa más que tu amor, y solo Dios sabrá que tan enorme es la pasión que existe en mí.
Moriría en tus brazos hoy sabiendo que tu mi amor abrazarías mi alma en tu interior. (C & E)
From the day in that I met you, I fell in love with you, in I saw all that always imagines. You pronounced my name and I knew that finally a story that doesn't have end would begin this way. I will love you, for the eternity, it will be pure loyalty.. and I will never deny that I will love you. Anything cares more than your love, and single God will know that so enormous it is the passion that exists in me. i would die in your arms today knowing that my love would hug my soul in your interior. ( C & E )